5 ways Bulk SMS can help your business

Let's talk about text babyyy... :-)

Your business can benefit hugely when you engage mass text messaging in your strategy. The benefits vary and depend on the nature of your organization. Below we give you five ways that your business can benefit from sms marketing.

1. Increase your sales

Bulk SMS can be a very effective way to directly market new products or services to your clients. It can also be used to notify your customers of discounts, promotions and events. Since a text message is more likely to be opened than an email, using SMS Marketing wisely will increase your sales.

2. Send reminders to your customers

Reminding your customers of a booked appointment or meeting can be really useful to them as they will perceive you as more professional and it is also convenient to them, especially if there were likely to have forgotten about it. Reminding your customers also means reducing the number of missed appointments which is saving you time and money.

3. Notify your customers of something important or when something goes wrong

You can send a mass text message to your clients to quickly inform them about interruptions to a service or cancellation of an event, or that you will stay open until 10pm during Christmas day for example. These kinds of messages show that you are a professional company and your clients will greatly appreciate this.

4. Send written confirmations

Use SMS Marketing to send a confirmation for an online order or when the order of your customer is shipped, or after you get a telephone order. This kinds of text messages put things in perspective and can avoid any future misunderstanding with your client.

5. Keep your customers informed and up to date and increase their interest

Customers can appreciate when they are kept in the loop and so informing them about offers, short-term discounts or a product clearance can really help with building customer loyalty.